I love painting still lifes from life. Doing so keeps my observation skills sharp! And though I use a classical style of painting, I find ways to make my still lifes look fresh and new. I’m a pretty quick painter, so I choose fruit or vegetables I will enjoy eating when the still life is finished!

Berries on Lace

12x12 Oils on Board

This started from an actual still life I’d set up in my studio. The view is from straight above however, to give an almost abstract composition. So I did finish details from photos I took.


Orange On Plate

Oils on three wood panels. 12x12.

This is an experiment in Trompe l’oeil, or “fool the eye”. I painted the orange and plate on two separate round wood panels, and the table cloth on a square panel. Then glued them together on seperators. The photo does not due justice to how 3D it looks!

$430. SOLD!

Berries on Satin

12x12” Oils on Board

This started from an actual still life I’d set up in my studio. The view is from straight above however, to give an almost abstract composition. So I did finish details from photos I took. Black frame.


Apple In Bowl

Oils on Wood panels. 12x12.

This is an experiment in Trompe l’oeil, or “fool the eye”. I painted the orange and plate on two separate round wood panels, and the table cloth on a square panel. Then glued them together on seperators. The photo does not due justice to how 3D it looks!


White Onion

Oils on wood panel 5x5.

Frame Size 7 1/4 x 7 1/4

Painted from life, I thought it would be interesting to use a modern style of framing. Mounted on a spacer sets the image off nicely from the antique gold board.


Cherries in the Round

Oils on wood panels


I’m painting “outside the box” on this one! Why do all paintings have to be rectangular or square? The painting is mounted on a separator to give it some dimension. Ocher frame.


Yellow Onion

Oils on wood panel 5x5.

Frame Size 7 1/4 x 7 1/4

Painted from life, I thought it would be interesting to use a modern style of framing. Mounted on a spacer sets the image off nicely from the antique gold board.

$99 SOLD!


Rejoicing in our Differences


Planets and Cosmic Art